Short and long-term survival strategies

Without short-term survival there is no long-term survival. The survivability of our environment changes our emotions and behaviors. Sustained short-term survival experiences generate emotions and behaviors that increase a person’s likelihood of system involvement.


References and suggested reading/listening:

Peer Reviewed Scholarly Publications

  • Boon-Falleur, M., Baumard, N., & Jean-Baptiste, A. (2022). Optimal resource allocation and its consequences on behavioral strategies, personality traits and preferences Mélusine Boon-Falleur. 1–39.

  • Ellis, B. J., Bianchi, J., Griskevicius, V., & Frankenhuis, W. E. (2017). Beyond Risk and Protective Factors: An Adaptation-Based Approach to Resilience. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(4), 561–587.

  • Ellis, B. J., Del Giudice, M., Dishion, T. J., Figueredo, A. J., Gray, P., Griskevicius, V., Hawley, P. H., Jacobs, W. J., James, J., Volk, A. A., & Wilson, D. S. (2012). The evolutionary basis of risky adolescent behavior: implications for science, policy, and practice. Developmental Psychology, 48(3), 598–623.

  • Ellis, B. J., Figueredo, A. J., Brumbach, B. H., & Schlomer, G. L. (2009). Fundamental dimensions of environmental risk: The impact of harsh versus unpredictable environments on the evolution and development of life history strategies. In Human Nature (Vol. 20, Issue 2).

  • Reynolds, J. J., & McCrea, S. M. (2015). Exploitative and deceptive resource acquisition strategies: The role of life history strategy and life history contingencies. Evolutionary Psychology, 13(3), 1–21.

  • Simpson, J. a., Griskevicius, V., Kuo, S. I.-C., Sung, S., & Collins, W. A. (2012). Evolution, stress, and sensitive periods: The influence of unpredictability in early versus late childhood on sex and risky behavior. Developmental Psychology, 48(3), 674–686.

Podcasts and Interviews

Media credit (photo/video/audio/animation) Sincere thanks to the following artists

Thumbnail Image - Person under water –

Person under water –

Person struggling to surface –

News Article – ‘Completely Innocent’: Teen shot, killed by gang members in Anaheim, Police say. KTLA,

News release – Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years, Pew research Center,

Paramedic closes body bag – stockbusters, Storyblocks (Stock video)

Teen holds pregnancy test – Dualstock, Storyblocks (Stock video. Posed by model)

Young mother and baby – (Stock video. Posed by model)

News Article – Study finds Arkansas teen birth rate is second worst in the country, nearly double national rate,

Boys fighting in alley – (Stock video. Posed by models)

News Article – 6 teens, 1 man facing charges after fight breaks out at Boston playground, CBS News Boston,

News Article – Santa Rosa Police break up teen brawl downtown, The Press Democrat,

Friends enjoying conversation in Backyard – stockbusters, Storyblocks

Magazine Article – Meet the Colorado Runner Who Strangled a Mountain Lion, Outside Magazine,

City scene –

Body scan -

Torrential Rain – dapoopta, Storyblocks

College Graduation – Productions

Accepting a job – Fizkes, Storyblocks

Purchasing a home – Rivetstudio , Storyblocks

Dad feeding baby – Prostock-studio, Storyblocks


Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be medical or psychiatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical or psychiatric care. The information presented herein represents the perspective of the author. The concepts presented are accurate and conform to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of qualified mental health providers with any questions regarding any emotional or psychological condition. Never disregard professional mental health advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Body and Behavior Institute videos. Body and Behavior Institute is an initiative of Limbic Legacy.


Predictability: Survival elements that impact emotions and behaviors


Key biological mechanisms of emotion and behavior