The Pursuit of Homeostasis
Science that supports the visceral knowledge of youth treatment, and child welfare professionals. Published in a prestigious international journal with a very rigorous peer-review process. Elsevier is one of the leading academic publishers in the world, specializing in scientific, technical, and medical information.
I Feel Your Pain
Explores the applicability and efficacy of LIT, a modality that acts directly at the biological level of emotion to reduce and prevent aggression and violence. Published in the Proceedings of the 12th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry.
The Hidden Talents Framework
The Hidden Talents Framework: Implications for Science, Policy, and practice provided courtesy of Professor Bruce Ellis.
While the chapter on social work is particularly relevant to treatment, practitioners will benefit from reading the entire publication.
Milieu Manual
The Limbic Integration Treatment© milieu manual is a step by step guide to the application of Limbic Legacy milieu curriculum. It is used with Limbic Legacy facility training and applied to the facility that has participated in that training.
Choose Your Groove Youth Workbook
A straightforward resource to empower youth in treatment to strengthen healthy neurocircuitry, reduce aggression and violence, and help bring calm. It is used with Limbic Legacy facility training and applied to the facility that has participated in that training.