Level One


Youth and family service work is a whole-body experience. It can feel like a battle. Staff and leadership often dance between agency goals and the panic of common obstacles.

There is profound relief in the realization that rather than fighting against, you can work with, biology; comfort in knowing the most important tools you will ever use are already within your own body and the bodies of those in your care; exhilaration in a working knowledge of the biological mechanisms of emotion and behavior.

The ultimate goal of youth and family service work is to change lives, to receive and guide successfully. Experience the comfort of moving with the flow of biology to affect the change you desire.

Level one is a five-day immersion course designed to prepare staff and leadership to deliver tailored interventions that target emotion and behavior directly at the level of biology. The course focuses on discipline-specific methods informed by leading interdisciplinary science to equip the next generation workforce with integrated expertise to substantively improve efficacy, quality, and safety for the youth and families in our care.


Youth and family service work is a whole-body experience. It can feel like a battle. Staff and leadership often dance between agency goals and the panic of common obstacles.

There is profound relief in the realization that rather than fighting against, you can work with, biology; comfort in knowing the most important tools you will ever use are already within your own body and the bodies of those in your care; exhilaration in a working knowledge of the biological mechanisms of emotion and behavior.

The ultimate goal of youth and family service work is to change lives, to receive and guide successfully. Experience the comfort of moving with the flow of biology to affect the change you desire.

Level one is a five-day immersion course designed to prepare staff and leadership to deliver tailored interventions that target emotion and behavior directly at the level of biology. The course focuses on discipline-specific methods informed by leading interdisciplinary science to equip the next generation workforce with integrated expertise to substantively improve efficacy, quality, and safety for the youth and families in our care.

Youth and family service work is a whole-body experience. It can feel like a battle. Staff and leadership often dance between agency goals and the panic of common obstacles.

There is profound relief in the realization that rather than fighting against, you can work with, biology; comfort in knowing the most important tools you will ever use are already within your own body and the bodies of those in your care; exhilaration in a working knowledge of the biological mechanisms of emotion and behavior.

The ultimate goal of youth and family service work is to change lives, to receive and guide successfully. Experience the comfort of moving with the flow of biology to affect the change you desire.

Level one is a five-day immersion course designed to prepare staff and leadership to deliver tailored interventions that target emotion and behavior directly at the level of biology. The course focuses on discipline-specific methods informed by leading interdisciplinary science to equip the next generation workforce with integrated expertise to substantively improve efficacy, quality, and safety for the youth and families in our care.